DisabilityDisability RightsMS

Star Wars and wheelchair seating update

I just wanted to give an update and a shout out to Landmark’s Grand 10! The manager will reserve a seat for my husband, so I have bought tickets for December 18th to see Star Wars VII!

Very excited!

There’s only one problem now. It’s in 3D which plays havoc with my MS vertigo. It first raised its head when I went to see Avatar with my husband and step daughter. After a few minutes I realised that as soon as things started to move on screen, the whole movie theatre started spinning! I took the glasses off. No go, everything is blurred. I put the glasses back on and covered up my left eye. All good. Only another 2 hours to go… this wasn’t going to be an option for the whole film. I found a kleenex in my bag – a clean one I have to say – and draped it over one eye. Success! 

I tapped my step daughter on the shoulder to show her, and she nearly fell out of her chair laughing. But necessity is the mother of invention, and all that.

Since then I haven’t been able to go to the movies very often, for other MS related reasons. I’ve also tried to see the movie in 2D when it’s offered – because paying extra to sit with one eye covered isn’t really worth it. When I have no choice but 3D, I now have a bespoke solution, and channel my inner pirate…


2 comments on “Star Wars and wheelchair seating update

Hi Michelle!
It seems as though you and my five year old son Simon have two big things in common – he loves Star Wars and pirates! Happy to hear that you and Ian will be able to see the movie – good luck with the 3D. Oh and Simon also loves camping – we have a VW Westfalia so when your Winnie is ready to go, perhaps we could travel in tandem somewhere…
Wonderful to be able to keep up with you a little on your blog – keep up the amazing work!
Lots of love to you and Ian, Laura.


Hi there!
Simon and I would get on sooooo well!

Once we are on the road we should definitely hook up somewhere!
Much love!


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Michelle in wheelchair with lightsaber fighting Dart Vader
