Time to catch up
January 20, 2022
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times …
Reader, I married him.
I’ve not particularly been on the ball as a blogger during the pandemic. In some ways, my life didn’t change that much. I was immune compromised and stayed at home a lot before the pandemic, and well, I’m still that same immune compromised person now! I’m certainly not going out there!
However, there have been major changes to my life. The most profound being that a year ago I met Victor Enns – writer, poet, music lover, fellow disabled person and a caring, compassionate partner. We got married on the deck in August, under clear-ish skies – a miracle in itself last summer in the Okanagan.
My PhD continued to roll on. I completed two 15,000 word papers for my comps, and I just submitted my research proposal. I’m hoping to be starting research in March.
Early in 2021 I joined a fledgling group called Disability Without Poverty, It’s been an exciting ride as we have flown the plane while building it! In the summer, when Rabia became our National Director, I became the co-chair alongside Luca Patuelli. I will write more in other posts about our accomplishments over the last year, but there’s one major goal that drives us – eradicating disability poverty in Canada, and as a starting point, getting the Canada Disability Benefit fast tracked, with money getting into the hands of disabled Canadians. In July I had an OpEd published that talks about the issues – rather than repeating them here, please go read the article!
If you read the article, you will see a photo of me with Lacey. Sadly, she passed away in September, having been the most adorable companion, with a loud presence in many ways, that we miss from our lives.
I promise to write less more often – and Victor is going to keep me on task! We have exciting things coming up this year, in his work and mine, and we look forward to bringing you along for the ride!