Training Leo or Leo training me

After a couple of days, it became clear that Leo was one smart boy. It was freezing cold – cold even for Kelowna, and here was this poor lil boy from Texas. It was Christmas holidays, and no classes would be starting until the New Year, even if I could find one that was accessible. Instead, we did the online courses with McCann Dogs and it was excellent! 

Leo and snow for the first time A snowflake on Leo's ear





I began to think that this incredible dog could do even more. Perhaps he could be my service dog!






In BC, there are a number of ways to be certified as a service dog with the provincial government. One is as an owner-trained team. Along with medical requirements and demonstrating training, you have to pass a 40 task exam – and if you fail any one of the tasks, you fail the whole thing. 


Leo service dog in training Leo out for a training walkLeo, sitting on a tennis court by himself, training


Leo sitting on his own in the mall, trainingLeo lying next to Michelle, in the food court at the mall, training





We went to the mall to practice a lot. We practiced ignoring everyone, walking off leash, going through stores and being in the food court.






We went to visit a class at Black Mountain Elementary, so that Leo could show how well behaved he was in front of children and they all got to pet him.


Leo and Michelle in front of the class

A child petting Leo The full class with Leo and Michelle


In preparation for the exam, to make sure that we were well tuned up, we took some classes with Shona from Okanagan Trick Dogs, an amazing instructor and great friend to us both.

Leo and I took the exam in July, just 7 months after his snowy ride from Texas to our home – and we passed, first time!

Leo and his celebration cake Leo and his celebration cake

As a certified service dog team, we go everywhere together. We have had some amazing adventures!